Vissers Sales Corp.: Megator Pumps Distributor

Megator Oil Spill And pollution Control Products

Megator has built a global presence and reputation for manufacturing and supplying unique engineered equipment solutions for oil spills and Pollution control applications that continually exceed our customer's expectation for quality and effectiveness.

Megator has built a global presence and reputation for manufacturing and supplying unique engineered equipment solutions for oil spills and Pollution control applications that continually exceed our customer’s expectation for quality and effectiveness. These products include floating oil skimmers, oil water separators, oil spill pumping systems, oil containment booms and oil dispersant spray systems.

The Sliding shoe pump with its simple, rugged construction, inherent self priming, dry running and high suction lift is ideal for skimmer offloading and is the key reason the Megator oil dispersant spray system is so effective. They require no lubrication and very little attention of any kind. The ease of inspection and maintenance is particularly valuable.

The Salarollpump aka “The Super Suction Pump” was originally developed for shoreline / pipeline oil spill clean-up. It is capable of pumping high viscous oil at near freezing temperatures from ground/shoreline such as debris laden bunker oil which also makes it an effective tool for tank cleaning. It’s also ideal for chemical spills, submerged oil recovery and especially high viscous skimmer offloading. The handling weight and portability enable the user to deploy the Salarollpump System in remote locations. It has few working parts, can run dry, is self compensating for wear and is extremely durable.

The TRUXOR amphibious vehicle is equipped with the Salarollpump and a unique brush skimmer. The Salarollpump enhances the skimmers effectiveness recovering high viscous oil and gives the user the ability to pump debris laden oil from the ground/shoreline via the suction nozzle which can be lifted from the skimmer intake. The TRUXOR exerts minimal ground pressure and is easy to maneuver with undue damage to land making it suitable for use at nature preserves, and sensitive land sites. The TRUXOR’s wide assortment of tools gives the machine flexibility for various types of work with an effortless connection system that allows for a simple conversion of tools. Applications include: Dredging, Reed Cutting & Gathering, Excavation and Oil Spill Recovery.