Fire Protection Water Storage Tanks Supplier

Vissers Sales Corp. specializes in liquid chemical handling and fire protection water storage tanks. With a wealth of industrial experience, our team is always looking for better methods of storage and transferring liquid chemicals. Whether your project needs commercial storage or specialized industrial containers, Vissers Sales has the answer. We provide various storage tanks, including:

In certain circumstances, it is necessary to store liquid chemical solutions in fire protection water storage tanks. Some chemicals can be quite flammable and for safe storage and safe transport it is necessary to take precautions. If hazardous chemicals ignite, it can cause considerable damage to:

  • Property
  • The Environment
  • Personnel
  • Facilities

Why Are Fire Water Tanks Preferred Over Polyethylene Tanks?

There are numerous reasons why fire water tanks are preferred over polyethylene tanks, with the biggest reasons are listed below:

  • Anti-corrosion Liners
  • Higher Hoop Strength
  • Higher Chemical Resistance
  • Can Add Heat Tracing and Insulation
  • Suitable for Outdoor Applications
  • Longer Service Life

Fiberglass reinforced plastic tanks are often utilized for extra protection. One reason is other types of tanks, particularly polyethylene tanks, are limited in capacity. The polyethylene tanks are limited to approximately 75,000 liters. While many cite steel tank storage as a better option, fiberglass reinforced tanks are far more cost effective and have a much greater chemical resistance than steel tanks.

With impressive hoop strength, fire water tanks can withstand any conditions, including harsh weather in northern climates. Treated with an anti-corrosion liner and multiple layers of fiberglass, these fire protection water storage tanks are meant to last with a longer service life than other plastic containers.

In Conclusion

By understanding the need for efficiency and quality products, Vissers Sales can provide the proper industrial-grade equipment for any sized project. We offer a wide array of the best liquid handling equipment on the market, including high-quality fire protection water storage tanks. Look to Vissers Sales to meet the liquid handling needs of any project. Reach out to us today.