
The Importance of Source Credibility in Industrial Pump Selection

Making the right industrial pump selection is key to ensuring operational efficiency, reliability, and safety. However, the process of choosing the appropriate pump can often be clouded by biased information from manufacturers who may only advocate for their products. This is why understanding the importance of source credibility becomes essential in making informed decisions. Drawing upon neutral, unbiased sources for pump selection guidance can dramatically impact the quality and suitability of the equipment chosen for specific industrial applications.

Navigating Manufacturer Bias

Manufacturers are, understandably, inclined to promote their own products. Greg Vissers, our CEO, noted in a recent discussion, “If you go to a website of a manufacturer that only makes progressive cavity (PC) pumps, they’re going to tell you that you should be using progressive cavity pumps. Even if it is to pump water into your house!” However, he quickly points out, “As far as everybody else is concerned, you should almost never be using progressive cavity pumps.” (note: cross link this to the article on why not PC pumps) While manufacturers provide valuable detailed product information, their primary goal remains to sell their product, which may not always align with the best interests of the user.

Seeking Unbiased Information

To counteract this bias, consumers and businesses would do well to seek out information from a variety of sources. Industry forums, independent reviews, and third-party experts (like us at Vissers Sales Corp) often provide more balanced perspectives on the advantages and disadvantages of different pump types. Sources like our blog, which we have been diligently publishing every 2 weeks for over 5 years, are more likely to discuss the broad spectrum of available pumps and their best use cases without the filter of commercial bias. Engaging with these neutral platforms helps in gaining a well-rounded understanding that will help you make more informed, effective industrial pumping decisions.

The Role of General Interest Engineering Sources

General engineering and liquid handling websites that cover a wide range of topics and technologies can be particularly helpful. These sources tend to provide information that is less biased and more focused on educating the reader. They may be particularly helpful for comparing the merits of different types of pumps without the interference of brand-centric marketing.

Educational Content Over Advertising

Content that merely serves as an advertisement offers little value to those seeking genuine advice. Instead, content that educates and informs about the various industrial pump options, their applications, and technical considerations carries more weight and is far more likely to be engaged with by professionals in the field.

Practical Implications in Industrial Settings

The practical implications of choosing the right pump based on credible information are significant. The wrong pump can lead to inefficiencies, increased wear and tear, higher operational costs, and potentially severe failures that could halt production and lead to costly repairs. For instance, choosing a pump with the wrong specifications for a chemical processing plant because of misleading information can result in improper handling of corrosive liquids, leading to equipment damage and safety hazards.

The selection of industrial pumps is a core industrial infrastructure decision. Potential buyers should arm themselves with information from diverse and credible sources that provide a balanced view of available technologies. 

At Vissers Sales Corp, we are committed to providing our clients with reliable and unbiased information to guide their pump selection process. If you need assistance in choosing the right pump for your operations, or if you simply seek a second opinion on your current setup, don’t hesitate to reach out to us at 1-800-367-4180. Our experts are here to help you navigate the complex world of industrial pumps with confidence and precision.

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